Catholic Art Fest Wrap Up and New Sweater WIP

Last weekend was the Catholic Art Festival, and it was such an amazing experience! And happenstance of all coincidences, there were two other families from my daughter's school who had booths at the festival! Maggie loved having a friend to hang with all day!

Booth setup - I let Maggie choose the shawls to display on the table and the mannequin!

Since working on a lacework project and interacting with folks during the festival seemed like a shaky plan, I decided I'd bring my latest sweater project to work on during the day. As of last night, I have finished the sweater back and I'm planning to start the front today! After the Threshold Tunic didn't end up being as long as I was hoping, I decided to make the hem a couple inches longer:

This sweater is primarily Evergreen Fiber Works Hemlock Sock in the colorway Seaworthy, with the hem, cuffs, and collar using leftover Cedar Sock in Seaworthy, which is leftover from my Threshold Tunic. These colorways go together SO WELL, it totally knocks my socks off. The flashes of deeper teal in the Seafoam match the Seaworthy perfectly!

Eventually this will be a long tunic-y crewneck pullover, with three-quarter sleeves. It's a basic stockinette design without any additional design features beyond the contrasting hem, cuffs, and collar. This was definitely a project where I wanted the yarn colorways to shine!
