Why hello everyone! Wow, I've been away for quite awhile, basically from the start of my third trimester until now, when baby is approaching 4 months. I struggled a bit through my final trimester exhaustion, and now that I'm back to work and that "fourth trimester" is calming down, I find I have some time to get back to this blog!

As you might imagine, I have a lot of photos to catch up on. I finally got around to taking pictures of my non-sweater projects, so look for those photos to be coming in posts soon! I haven't taken any photos of my sweaters yet because it has been HOTTER THAN HADES here.

I also have made lots of progress on my reading, and already surpassed my initial goal of 365 books. I recently updated my goal to 500 books this year. Rolling right along!

2022 Reading Challenge

2022 Reading Challenge
Miss Anthropy has read 391 books toward her goal of 500 books.
